I Have MedicineCh98 - Ah Zuo’s Very Powerful


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Translator's Note

嘚瑟 – De se, being proud of one’s achievements and showing off to someone else, especially to a friend or loved one.

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  1. They have their date with fighting beasts or actually collecting food (beast) and herbs ..

    Without dragon one and two..

    Just two of them


    Thanks for the chapter

  2. “It feels very good. Ah Zuo is very powerful”

    …..me and my dirty mind heheh…

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. It’s a date! I love how event though GYTH is worried about his cultivation bottleneck, he’s still taking time to let GZ get fighting experience first. In xianxia, that’s true luv. =P

    Translation Suggestions:Yet, at this time, he could nevertheless detect the warmth of the body in front of him, which also arose in his own heart. –> But now he could feel that the warm body in front of him had reappeared in his embrace.The wild beasts that roamed here were, at the very least, comparable to Xiantian martial artists and were grade four or higher. –> At least, among the beasts roaming around here, there were grade four ones that were comparable to xiantian.

    Next was just watching over him. –> Next was up to him

    After I give some suggestions, you just directly fire away with your Spirit Piercing Needles, while I quickly beat up the other four grade three wild beasts. You only need to delay your attack for a little bit… –> After I give the signal, you directly fire your Spirit Piercing Needles at the grade four beast. I will quickly slay the four grade three beasts. You only need to delay it for it bit…

  4. “Hence, he tried to explore his big brother’s body using his psychic power.” I’m sorry, it might be immature of me but I laughed so hard at that.


    “Big brother! Can you feel it?”

    “It feels very good.”

    Kyaaaa! (>///<) My mind is very green. #sorrynotsorry (≧∇≦)

  5. I always feel for the beasts… they were just chillin in the water, minding their own business…. ah, why am I like this. I’m always super sad about innocents dying…