I Have MedicineCh279 - Pursuit


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Translator's Note

固若金汤 – Gu ruo jin tang, well-fortified and invulnerable to attack.

Translator's Note

The word play in Chinese is actually based around “roots”, but there aren’t any phrases about reneging on a promise that are based on roots. Also, a chicken is a cock.

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  1. One prince: humpft!

    the second prince: humpft!

    the third prince: humpft!

    Tianheng & Gu Zuo: don’t mind us, we’re just clearing our way of your subordinates

  2. 😘😘😘😘😘 thanks so much for all the hard work. Ah! I feel so satisfied and thirsty at the same time……. looking forward to future chaps 😚😚😚😚😚

  3. Gu Zuo: cant stop as what if questions.

    Big brother: ends the conversation while saying they will be together until the day they die.

    Gu Zuo: “…”

    Thanks for the chapter!^^

  4. GZ’s worrywart tendencies strike again. Though, sweetie, I think you’re a little too late to be worrying about all this. It’s not like the other side is gonna be giving you a chance to apologize and make up! ~facepalm~

    Translation notes:

    Sure enough, it can clearly be seen that this weak nation is quite useless. Ancestors above, he speaks with solid judgment! –> Sure enough, weak nations are useless. This ancient (or ancestral) saying is indeed true!

    Even if those individuals were people who could challenge higher ranks, it was nothing more than a struggle. Could it be that they would still run away? –> Even against those individuals were people who could challenge higher ranks, if they couldn’t defeat them, couldn’t they still run away? (as a last resort)

    If such seniors have any pride and dignity, and if it’s to their benefit to dispatch others, then they certainly won’t condescend to personally deal with a younger generation. –> If such seniors have any pride and dignity, and unless there’s a direct benefit for them…

  5. Ah Zuo you’re an idiot. Stop that nonsense about going back, you’re going nowhere. You’ll be an obedient little darling and stay honestly with your husband!