I Have MedicineCh187 - The Pill Battling Assembly Begins


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  1. The moment I saw Gongyi’s name, I squealed; it’s been to long since he appeared!! Really made me realize how he and Gu Zuo have pretty much stuck together since they arrived; can’t wait for the dynamic duo to be back together again!!

    Also, Tianyang is joining on the fun !!! so glad to see the younger generation stepping up their game soon, I can feel it!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. They’re essentially giving him a suicide mission!

    Gongyi misses Ah Zuo o(≧▽≦)o

    Thank you so much for the chapter!(๑´>᎑<)~❤

  3. Man, that Lu Jiusi really doesn’t play 😳. I’m really looking forward to how Tianheng will handle this. Maybe now’s the time to call in some favors, and get some external help?

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  4. The author and her cliffhangers. Also, I’m sure the more genre savvy readers have all realized that LJS is just sending an XP-farm at our second protagonist.

    Translation notes:

    He welcomed some admiring exclamations, as well as some attitudes that were even more “kindly” than Xu Lingxiu. –> He welcomed some admiring exclamations, as well as a mellowing of XLX’s mood.

  5. Thank you very much for the chapters! You’ve been updating almost everyday these past few days. Please accept our love😘😘

  6. Are we missing our little brother, dear Tianheng? 😀

    If you wait long enough, he could perhaps accompany you, when he’s back from the pill battling assembly.

    Ahh.. this coackroach that refuses to die… feed him poison -.-

  7. just a slight sentence of Gonyi being possessive beats those scripts that takes paragraphs to explain the relationship.

    he. knows. what he wants! my heart~ I know it’s just fan service but I’ll happily eat

    • I always liked characters that realize their feelings quickly and they don’t run away from them but pursue them. Otherwise i feel like i just want to choke some sense into them~

  8. Everyone in comment section talks about Liu Jiusi and suicide missions, while me and my BL brain sailed Xin Bailin X Xu Lingxiu ship.

  9. Gaaahhhh I wish Tianheng and Gu Zuo can still communicate in their minds even if they’re so far awayy- Maybe it’ll happen in the future😆 After all, there are around 1000 chapters left so~

    Thank you for the chapter!!! Keep on going!!~💜

  10. Don’t know if my mind is too tired or rotten but I end up reading ‘his precious little pharmacist’….

  11. “He didn’t know how his little pharmacist was doing right now.

    Gongyi Tianheng’s complexion deepened slightly.

    In the future, it was better that he didn’t let him wander too far away.”

    Aw! So cute! I wonder how much longer these two are going to keep us in suspense?

    Thanks for the hard work and great translation!!! 👾

  12. It seems like I’m the only one here wondering ‘does Tiangheng already likes Ah Zuo or is he just worried? And if he likes him, when did it start?’.

    Sometimes I wish we got more details about Tiangheng’s thoughts, like for example, if he already likes Ah Zuo then why hasn’t he taken any actions to romance him?

    Thanks for the chapter ~🌸

  13. Thanks for the chapter… i’ve mtld this so many times but reading the translation never bores me..

    But where is the other Gongyi cousin? Tianxiao? Aren’t there 3 cousins that Tianheng brought? I had to re-read the chapter of them coming back to make sure.. haha

  14. if sun tzu doesnt exist in this world, gongyi tianheng can be the rough approximation

  15. I feel like there is one cousin missing? I remember Tianheng broght Dragons three to seven (total of 5) the 2 siblings plus 3 cousin. All in all 10 nominal disciples. But in this chapter, only Tianyang, Tianying, Tianhe and Mingxia were mentioned. So who is the other cousin and where is he?