I Have MedicineCh186 - You Let Me Win


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Translator's Note

This was explained in one of the chapters at the very beginning. The character for Gu Zuo’s first name is 佐 and the character for the word left is 左.

Translator's Note

承让- Cheng rang, something to say politely after winning a game.

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  1. It’s good to have psychic power as a cheat, lol, it truly came in handy this time for Gu Zuo ╮(^▽^)╭

    Thanks again for the (super fast!!) chapter! Looking forward to the reactions + the rest of the pill competition now…

  2. I’ve been eagerly awaiting this chapter ever since I knew the pill battle arc was arriving hahaha~ Gu Zuo’s little thoughts during this battle…. him pretending and then going ‘oH so everyone is an actor huh’

    Ah, that city lord tried, but he can’t account for Gu Zuo’s arrival!

  3. GZ also wins an acting award! LOL. I think that’s the more impressive feat than his refining skill, which c’mon, we all knew could blow everyone else in that room outta the water.

    No major translation errors I saw this time.

  4. GZ is in a hall full of pharmacist… but none of them can feel his psychic powers!?! Should a normal pharmacist attain human level to perceive it or use it?

    Thanks for the chapter♡

  5. Ohoho~ That was very satisfying~!

    I think this trip will let Xiu baobei become more authentic friends with Ah Zuo, since he finally has someone who’s more or less equal to him in terms of ability/talent. What’s more, someone who’s not jealous of him or trying to take advantage of him.

    Thanks for the chapter ~🌸

  6. Faster update!🎊🎊🎊Everyone’s a actor!😂😂😂😂 Ah Zuo needs to step up his acting skills!😂😂

    Thank you so much for the chapter!(๑´>᎑<)~❤

  7. Woof woof~ am howling in laughter like a retarded wolf! Tianheng’s cunningness really rubbed on our baby Ah Zuo!😂😂 I cant imagine the reactions of these people if they knew that Ah Zuo held back a lot on this match🤭🤭🤭🤣

  8. The Facial Restoration pill sounds hilarious. Hahahaha “It gives a person plastic surgery”

    I can’t imagine any of the pretty boys/girls damaging their faces enough that they need it LOL

    This final match was: who’s the best actor!!! GU ZUO WON!! He learned from the Film Emperor himself, GYTH. I love this so much!

  9. Kkkkkkk let them think you’re just someone if potencial, our little pharmacist is much more deep than this!

    Thank you for the chapter!