I Have MedicineCh174 - A Big Order


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Translator's Note

钻牛角尖 – Zuan niu jiao jian, to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem, to bash one’s head against a brick wall.

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  1. Am I the only one wonder where the little group of brats went to?

    I know most of them left and didn’t stay with Ah Zuo and Tianheng but there no show of the little girl. I’m pretty sure she was supposed to be staying with them 🤔

  2. Lmao, this learning tyrant really wants to make other pharmacists lose face XD XD XD

  3. Thanks for the chapter. This light novel is so good, that If I could, I would read the 1k chapters without stopping. It’s a shame that I don’t know how to read in the Native language, but I’m considering If I should learn lol

  4. Gu Zuo has caught a glimpse of the hand of Author-sama! Er, I mean, Destiny! LOL

    Translation notes:

    the more Gu Zuo felt that Tianheng’s nature was a bit nasty. –> more “mischievous” than “nasty” in this context, I think. GYTH isn’t being malicious with his teasing.

    Unless one was familiar with a Sky Leaderboard powerhouse, other people might have a chance of only knowing some. –> For everyone else, it’s only if they knew someone on the Sky Leaderboard, would they know something about it. (Author made an error using the negation terms here, I think)

    Under such concentration, he discovered that the medicinal herbs for refining the Jinyuan Pill were separated into three unseen types. When combined, it would easily cause a conflict. –> he discovered that there were three medicinal ingredients which didn’t look any special when examined by themselves, but when combined, would easily cause a conflict.

  5. Wow Gu Zuo surely is hard working! He can handle 3 cauldrons! He’s too heaven defying, i like it so much when we can see Gu Zuo strength and talent!! Did the systen saw it coming?

    Thank you for the chapter!!

  6. little sucker for punishment. Tianheng really trusts the little pharmacist

  7. I think that was the first real obstacle Gu Zuo faced while refining medicine. 😆

    Who could the visitor be? 🤔

    Thanks for the update! 😉😘

  8. their interactions are soooo cute (/ω\)

    btw, i think there was a hand seal(?)’s name that started with “He Clan’s”… is it related to this Hes or am i thinking too much 🤔

    • I don’t remember off the top of my head, but I’m 100% certain that the “He” character for the hand seal is not the same “He” character for the antagonist clan.

  9. Kkkkk I know how you feel Ah Zuo! When I start to read a novel, if I get into it, I even forget to eat, and keep reading all day…. That’s not healthy….

    Thank you for the chapter!!