I Have MedicineCh173 - A Big Customer


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Translator's Note

晋元 – Advancing the fundamentals. I’m keeping the pinyin for aesthetic reasons.

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  1. Aiya, a new ally! Very good. I guess that certain person named Xiao will be healed in one way or another by Ah’Zuo who gives the credits to his big brother and the latter will gain a powerful support…

  2. This dude is basically saying hand over your business! He’s asking for all types of the pills they sell wtf? I don’t trust him one bit. You can take your sob story and shove it cause I ain’t buying it

    Thank you for the chapter la~

  3. What other people provided were all external things, and what a person obtained by themselves were one’s true possessions.


    Tianheng’s eyes flashed with a dark light.

    But when he looked at Gu Zuo, his gaze became as soft as usual.

    Gu Zuo didn’t discover what thoughts arose from the bottom of his dear big brother’s heart. Even if his back suddenly felt a slight chill, this coldness quickly dissipated. With no evil intentions, it was only natural that he didn’t discover anything.

    what I like best about Ah Zuo and Tianheng’s relationship is that Tianheng clearly has all the markings of an overbearing tyrannical CEO and from time to time, will slip up and show his unreasonable possessive side and desire to monopolize Gu Zuo, but like….. then he just doesn’t. He just continues to create this virtuous cycle with Ah Zuo with the two of them constantly treating each other better and better lmaooo.

    Part of this is naturally also due to Gu Zuo’s personality, though. After scoping out Tianheng’s situation and methods, he just… delivered himself right up and never once thought of struggling. If he struggled, who knows what kind of weird things would be triggered in Tianheng… really can’t forget that thought he had early on about making Gu Zuo believe that the only place he can be is in the palm of Tianheng’s hand.

    Anyway, Tianheng filling up Gu Zuo’s bowl with good food and teasing him about being absentminded lmaooo cute~

    • Haha, hear hear!! GYTH’s self control is probably the part of his character I like the most. It also makes the contrast to the rare times he does lose control all the more sweet. nudgenudgewinkwink

    • Truee😂

      Gu Zuo will only struggle when Tianheng didn’t allow him to go back in his original world. Though I believe if Gu Zuo told him that Tianheng will somehow found a way to travel between worlds together. Meeting with the in laws 😂

  4. His story seems convincing, but it also looks like he’s trying to resell the pills for a higher price? or is he harmless? really idk

    tnx for the translation, great as always~~

  5. The first part of this chapter gave me cavities, lol. Our MC is getting better and better analyzing complex situations!

    Translation notes:

    Skills weren’t equal to people. One could only depend on careful and patient maneuvering. –> If one’s skills were inferior, then they could only depend on…

    Ah Zuo, let’s eat. Please don’t ignore me. –> Ah Zuo, please eat, don’t be picky. (The last part is referring to the food/his actions, and not GYTH himself.)

  6. holy shit gang fight! gu zuo this is your chance to PROFIT and make a strong alliance!

  7. [Tianheng’s eyes flashed with a dark light. Thoughts arose from the bottom of his heart. ]

    Me: | ू•ૅω•́)ᵎᵎᵎ –> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Thanks for the chapter !

  8. Is it weird that I enjoy Gu Zuo’s tangent about what pills should be considered?

    I almost forgot what a power top Tianheng is, previous instances can be attributed as teasing and early relationship, this is raising flags, but even so I still want development!

  9. Wow such matter, seems serious, so that Hai guy is not part of the bad side… I have some impression on someone that was hurt, but totally forgot.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  10. Only??? Only what? Tianheng go yandere?? Become evil? Strange intentions? Gay awakening???? This is seriously too vague!!!

  11. I think when his gaze became dark, he was actually thinking about people who are coveting his Ah Zuo and his actual skills. Since he’s ruminating about skills/power/growth and Ah Zuo’s protection.

    Or maybe… since he’s thinking about possessions… ehem maybe ML is a bit ehem

    Maybe he’s thinking on how he’ll get Ah Zuo more secured in his bosom 😂 since there is so many powerhouses out there (˘•ω•˘)

    No one knows for sure.