I Have MedicineCh121 - Slaves


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Translator's Note

趋利避害 – Qu li bi hai, to chase after benefits and to avoid harm.

Translator's Note

Qian Hu (虎 – Hu, Tiger) and Liu Bao (豹 – Bao, Leopard).

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  1. I wonder how far the sworn brotherhood of the two new guys actually goes. Looking forward to seeing what happens when they take the pills.

    Thanks for the chapter (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

  2. I have to wonder how much GZ is self aware of his morality warping…er, adapting to his new environment, and hence his longing for the human rights back in the modern world.

    Translation notes:

    there were even more who became dispirited after their long imprisonment and loss of qi and blood. –> there were many more who lost their vigour after prolonged imprisonment, becoming dispirted. (血气 here means vigor/courage)

    In addition, being offered up for sale by someone had led to this situation, so they were even more furious at the world and their resentment skyrocketed. –> Then there were those who were betrayed by others into this state, who were even more furious…

    it was probably that they definitely weren’t cunning –> it was probably that they didn’t look cunning. (GZ is wild guessing here)

    The defective ones are those who aren’t good at being tamed. –> The drawbacks are they are hard to tame.

    this small store will affix it with a Thunder Talisman Necklace –> this store has already equipped them with a…

  3. Returning to that place where human lives, at least, weren’t so cheap. <– uhh.. don’t mind me, but I think it would sound better if changed to “… human life, at least, wasn’t so cheap.” <– most of all, lives = lifes

    poor little Gu Zuo… but, what’s with going back? If you go back, who looks after Tianheng’s health? Stop being so selfish, your husband will be sad.. or maybe he will not, because he won’t allow you to leave anyway… 😀

  4. It’s nice that Gu Zou was so comforted by Tianheng’s pats that he felt ‘warmed’. He even smiled. In a slave den. Excellent. What lovely characters. (that was sarcasm)

    I suppose buying someone is better than hiring a poison taster.