Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 48


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Translator's Note

simple home-style meal

Translator's Note

The Anywhere Door (Dokodemo Door in Japanese, and Anywhere Door in English) is one of the most popular and frequently used gadgets in the series. It basically resembles a pink door. Its prime function is to transport the user to whatever location they desire by walking through it.

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  1. Anyu go catch that vinegar jar which is about to topple

    Thank you for the chapter and Merry Christmas!! 🎄

  2. Ahahahahah… cliffhanger, I’m gonna smack u^^

    Thank you for the update! ^o^

  3. Grrrrrr that He Rouying! They were having a wonderful hubby to hubby moment till you had to come out with a sex scandal!

    Hehehe I wonder what Mr. Yi Possessive Chenyan would do. (≖ω≖ ) Thanks for the chappie! ( ˘ ³˘)♡

  4. Intrigued by the back story between Yi Chenyan and Yang Anyu’s dad 🤔

    Thanks for the chapter 💕