Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 47


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Translator's Note

legendary venomous insect that is popular for being a ‘love bug’, where you’ll fall in love with a certain person to a point of obsession

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  1. Ooo..What day?

    and they elaborated it..they elaborated it so much further…

    Thank you for the Chapter!!

  2. Tang Xiao is really sus. Im ok for him having ill intentions to others, but of course since he intend to do something to baby Yuyu, i cant help but pay more attention to him out of worry for the lovely couple.

    And~ Yi Chenyan being black bellied and showing his S tendencies ohoho (≖ω≖ ) me likey!!

    Thanks for the chappie!~ ( ˘ ³˘)♡

  3. Well no fade to black for Li Chenyan’s bed scene! 😉😯

    Why is Tang Xiao so obsessed in meddling with Yang Anyu? 🤨

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

    • I think Tang Xiao aside from wanting to be popular, is also instructed to do so by his backer. If Xiao Yu had blunder, his status as illegitimate son will be exposed and Yang Jue’s credibility as the boss gonna be question so that second uncle eyeing his position gonna strike him.

  4. That day is Yang papa’s death anniversary??

    That Tang Xiao is still hateful. So the backer is some uncle of YJ. In the end, it is still power struggle. Haish.