Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 49


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Translator's Note

rehash the same old story, stir-fry leftover rice

Translator's Note

Reset broken bones would become stronger

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  1. you know it’s a good and secure cp when things like this happen and youre not even scared of a misunderstanding

    thx 4 the chapter n merry xmas!

  2. Maybe he should focus on being good at what he does instead of messing with Anyu and Chenyan? Just a suggestion >->

    thanks for the chapter! <3

  3. I’m curious about what that photo will show. Yang Anyu with a surprised look or maybe a disgusted look. Or maybe Yang Anyu beating him

  4. Can’t anyone deal with this pest asap, please!? 😤

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  5. Oi! Mr Tang “Highly Suspicious” Xiao!! Whatchu doing to our precious CP!!

    Are you doing this just to stir up trouble on Yi Chenyan or are you really into our baby boy Yuyu!?! oi oi! Im so curious (≖ω≖ )

    Anyways, thanks for the chappie! ( ˘ ³˘)♡

  6. Tang Xiao again up to his ol’ tricks 😠

    Yang Anyu’s and Yi Chenyan’s relationship can handle such lame tricks 💪

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  7. What is that shark planning? And why do I feel that his target to destroy is not the Yang brothers but Chenyan?

  8. I honestly don’t know what this Tang Xiao’s plan. I mean he looks like he’s doing good doing his “Prince” act. Don’t need to put himself in between our CP

  9. Imagine YC being some big boss’ grandson. Then boom Yi Entertainment /Enterprises /Company. I really don’t like this TX. I feel like he thinks he has everything in the palm of his hands. So I really hope YC is some big boss’ grandson

  10. This Tang Xiao didn’t deserve to be an actor he should be a politician this black hearted evil schemer