Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 29


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Translator's Note

this was in English

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  1. Ahhh is Yi Chenyan gonna freak out when he sees him in his ancient costume?!

    How cute, Anyu knows he likes Chenyan 😍

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  2. Wow time is flying super fast in this story, while reading it makes me feel that by the time I finish the chapter the story will be over😂

  3. I hope one day Chenyan and Anyu will both appear in Nouxi’s MV hehehe

    Thank you for the update!

  4. Is Yi Chenyan gonna have flashbacks watching that MV?!

    Both of them have admitted their feelings… It’s time to confess!!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. What a cliffy – Yi Chenyan’s reaction to seeing Yang Anyu in ancient costume?! Aww, that Yang Anyu admits to himself that he likes Yi Chenyan 😍 Thanks for the chapter 💕

  6. AHHH!!! Is Yi Chenyan going to remember his past life after seeing Yang Anyu in old-style clothing? And Yang Jue being more proactive with Qin Nuoxi than with Yang Anyu is so funny. Thanks for the update!

  7. I think YAY is worried about the original owner, but i don’t understand one thing here, this is YAY’s reincarnation, why was there an additional personality before his rebirth?

  8. i don’t understand why would he love the ml

    he didn’t feel that way in ancient times when the general was honest and kind toward him But he fell in love with the actor who neglected the original and broke his heart and did not visit him even after a car accident

    I hated the ml from the beginningHis selfishness knows no bounds and he only cares about himselfWhen he did not like the original , he married him and simply deserted him as if he was his petAnd now that he’s changed his mind, he’s acting like nothing happened

    f*ck him !!!!! what a jerk

  9. This the first time that regardless of the attitude of the og MC I really felt pity for him…from chapter 1 till here🥺😭 I hope he was happy or maybe it is also him he just remembered his past.🥺 It’s clearly that even the og is troublesome, he was just misguided and misunderstood.. the previous one just had a strong head on personality.. and he was just also looking for someone to love him.. I wish they did understand him more that’s why even though.. ML and brother has some reasons why they also act like that.. I can’t fully like them…🥺

  10. What if the og Anyu transmigrated as Anyu in the past when he’s just a baby? My brain has holes so yeah😂