Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 30


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Translator's Note

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  1. A corgi?! An interesting response to the Xiyu CP 🤣 Plot thickens, Yi Chenyan is starting to realise the connection from their past lives. I wonder what’s the story with Shen Donghao and Qin Nuoxi? Thanks for the chapter 💕

  2. Yi Chenyan being jealous is cute! Stop hiding and just start hanging out in public with your husband so people can ship you together! Hahaha

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  3. Someone is eating vinegar. But don’t worry, Yi Chenyan. If Qin Nuoxi gets together with a Yang brother, it probably won’t be Yang Anyu. I’m sure Yang Anyu appreciates the puppy though! Thanks for the update!

  4. That once upon a time super popular female singer is Qin Nuoxi’s mother right?! What happened to her and what is the back story of father Qin opposition to NuoXi entering entertainment biz??

    And ChenYan keeps on eating vinegar of XiYu CP 😂.