Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 28


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    • But damn, why does this feel like there are only a few more chapters left? Unless they wanna play with the idea of them knowing that both of them reincarnated~ Thank you for the Translation!

  1. Xiao Yu is so cute.

    [“You can do it!” Yang Anyu blinked at Yi Chenyan, then closed his eyes once more, and obediently lay down to play dead.​]

    [Once he had his lunch at home, Yang Anyu held the Yi Chenyan’ body pillow he had purchased and laid on the sofa, quietly reading a wuxia novel.]

    [The sparkling, translucent snowflakes truly were gorgeous. Yang Anyu took off his gloves and caught one in his palm. Unfortunately, the snowflake dissipated very soon.]

    [However, Yang Anyu remained in a cheery mood, even humming a little tune.]

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  2. Yang Anyu is overthinking. Yi Chenyan wants to be with him, Who cares what’s his name?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Yi Chenyan feeling the pain of him dying in their first life was sad :((

    But look! They’re developing feelings as themselves, not that worlds Yang Anyu!!

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  4. Yi Chenyan has discovered the fanboy and his bolster pillow 🤣 Aww, so sweet they both like each other. Thanks for the chapter 💕

  5. My heartu 💘💘💘 It literally throbbed because of Chenyan’s last statement.

    Thank you for the update!

  6. Yang Anyu asking the difficult questions. Yi Chenyan probably doesn’t even know that he’s reincarnated, and he definitely doesn’t know that Yang Anyu has reincarnated. That said, good answer. “The you before my eyes.” And “there w as no such person right now who would make him truly settle down” except there is now! They’re spending the new year together! How sweet. Thank you for the update!

  7. Had a feeling Ah Kenn would die, the typical ‘he’s going to go-to prison for life if he lives so might as well have a redeeming death’ trope character.