Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 23


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Translator's Note

kabedon but, yknow. In bed.

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  1. I don’t think Yang Anyu knows his feelings yet. Yi Chenyan, tread carefully, you don’t want to scare away the puppy.

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  2. Yi Chenyan is going to do that now? He’s not worried it’ll affect Yang Chenyan’s acting in the set?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. oh didn yanchen knows yang anyu is his old yang anyu

    Thanks for the update

  4. Hahaha Emperor Chen fall so fast and hard ba. Poor little fan, overwhelm by everything. He skipped kabe-don directly to bed-don 🙈🙈.

    That part of reality show. I hate it. Maybe that is why as I grow older, I stopped watching such survival or competition of that format. I hope Nuoxi can overcome his obstacle soon. Everyone now geniunely happy, yet only this little Qin still had the air of gloom and sadness.

  5. I kinda don’t like Yi Chenyan because of the original Yang Anyu. I understand why YC married him but it wasn’t fair to YA. YA was clearly just a fan, if YC had refused to marry him YA would have been alright after a while but he tortured him mentally just because of his dreams.😐😐

    Just my opinion…