Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 24


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Translator's Note

four emotions, eg. joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness

Translator's Note

Ok little child this sounds weird when you put it that way. You’re making chenyan sound like a sadist

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  1. Ohh. Yi Chenyan knows he’s not the real Yang Anyu!! No Wonder he’s so good.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Yi Chenyan! Eating your husband’s tofu. How unscrupulous. I still find them cute even though Yang Anyu is completely oblivious. I hope he shoots a good scene! Thanks for the update.

  3. Ahahhaaa that crying practice did feel like he was catering to a perverts unique interests. It awakened something in senior yi 🤭

  4. Why as I kept reading I feel more disconnected with the ML… I have read countless tsundere ML’s out there regardless of how rude they once were.. I still root for them but here.. I don’t know i feel disconnected…