Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 91


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  1. Little demon lord disciple ate up his Shizun~ RIP chrysanthemum. Shi Qing totally loved it lol

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡

  2. Shi qing be lyke : yass daddy that’s also what I want <33333

    I won’t be surprise if this is shi qing fav ML, because we knew he like it coughroughcough

  3. Rong jue has got the taste, he won’t be able to run anymore now!!

    Not like he ever had the chance 😏

  4. I thought Shi Qing will pretend that he already knows about the secret in ML’s body and about the demonic cultivation. Then its like his trying to protect the ML when he destroyed the spiritual root. But on how things are going I feel like this is not the case. So, I’m both worried and excited on how Shi Qing turn things around.

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  5. i really am grateful to sq for being a freak, otherwise these non-con/dub-con scenes would be too much for me TwT)B i’m glad he’s enjoying himself

    thanks for the chapter!

  6. Heh~

    It’s not that nsfw :'[

    Looking forward for round 2 :]

    Thank you for the update!

  7. Rong Jue who thinks he is humiliating his Shizun: Hehe…

    Shi Qing who saw it coming from miles away: Hold my pills

    🤣 Thank you for the Chapter!!

  8. Before, I kept saying that Rong Jue is so similar with Luo Binghe, but after I read this chapter, I take back what I said. THAT BEHAVIOUR IS NOT LUO BINGHE, THAT’S PURE MO RON!

    Shit, excuse me, I mean MO RAN! THAT’S PURE MO RAN!!

  9. Damn. Already going this far? Not that Shi Qing seems to be complaining, though… So i guess it’s okay, but, if i sense any kind of discomfort from my Shi Qing, i’ll be ready to trashmouth this Rong Jue dude with ease. Hmph!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  10. Tong-er, living with SQ every minute of every day, confronting the horrors of building-sized d**s and daddy play: I Do Not See 🙈 My Head Is EMPTY and I Have No THOUGHTS *SQ says Daddy again NO. THOUGHTS.