Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 90.2


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  1. I accidentally deleted all of my notifications the moment I saw this update (╥_╥) but for Shi Qing, it’s worth it!

    Thank you for the chapter!

  2. Shizun is about to be punished!!! And do be wary of the next couple of chapters, “Shizun” is gonna be unwilling but Shi Qing is very willing

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡♡

  3. Shi Qing having the time of his life… Yeah, sounds about right. Ah, this is a bit similar to Er Ha. Or that one arc from Strategy to capture that scum gong… Aahhhh…

  4. No way I’m missing out on Shi Qing enjoying the crap out of this xD Rong Jue never would’ve thought LMAOO

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  5. [There is going to be ‘noncon’] Is it still called noncon if the one being ‘forced’ actually wanted it more than the other but just had to act?

    Thanks for the chapter! Just to catch up with this (just found this out days ago), I stopped reading other novels and it’s worth it!

  6. QAQ, you’re gonna regret raping him you bastard secretly smirks I can’t wait for you to regret, la~

  7. I wanna skip cuz its noncon but I know its “noncon” and not noncon so now I am confused whether to read or not QQ

  8. I know shi Qing has a plan and can’t break character but honestly I would have loved for him to go like ‘bitch, I knew all along that you were acting’ … Ah…

  9. After reading various different novels with this kind of arc, i know for sure Shi Qing is going to make up a ‘reason’ for how he treated Rong Jue. And, even if he doesn’t, i’ll just trust Shi Qing, afterall, this novel’s name is not without reason.

    Thanks for the chapter! ❤

  10. He knows. He knows when the animosity level goes up that fast, he could bring it down easily. Because he know that he has sparked something in RJ… 😏

    Kudos to SQ! 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻