Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 90.1


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  1. What is Shi Qing planning? I’m looking forward to the reveal of his strategy owo Thank you for the chapter!

  2. Rong Jue: changes the pastShi Qing: was able to create a longevity pill insteadRong Jue and basically everyone else: shockedpikachuface.jpg

  3. I don’t understand what Shi Qing is doing or what his goal is but he really just gave poor demon lord the idea that he was his favorite disciple and then immediately got him jealous 😂

    The finesse

  4. Shi Qing feels like my crush who makes me feel special today and then the next moment does it to another person QAQ

    Thankkk youuu foooor theeee chaaaapterrr!!! ^_________^

  5. Hoho… I see. Shi Qing is going for the jealousy route, hm? Something like “shizun likes shidi more than me!” Jealous then realises he’s jealous “oh I actually like shizun!” HEHE

  6. When Shi Qing smiled after the system was celebrating, I knew he was about to do something that seem stupid 😂😂😂

    Thanks for the chapter ❤️

  7. 🤣🤣 Shi Qing you’re so good.

    I’m excited to see Rong Jue’s future suffering 🤭☺

    Thanks for the chapter 💞

  8. Ah, the scene of Shi Qing saying ML is his favorite, only to smile at another disciple, i almost felt bad, if i didn’t know what Shi Qing is planning.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  9. Ah, jealousy… Realizing he doesn’t want his Shizun to be gentle and kind to anyone else but him, for that beautiful smile to only belong to him… etc. I think I know where this is going, and I am quite honestly excited because this story fortunately doesn’t have the heart-wrenching element that SVSSS had. Ah, the bliss…