Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 89.2


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  1. aaaaaaaaah the face of the masters of the peaks hahahha my belly is hurting from laughing XD. exactly did he refine because he can’t give it to his disciple? LOL

  2. YES SHOW THEM SHI QING!! And LMAOO a 0.5 reduction! Now I’m really looking forward to the sugat and decrease in animosity!

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  3. Rong Jue has long since learned the art of kissing ass Shi Qing: hehe

  4. Ah ah ah! I really can’t wait to know what happens next! It just get better and better!

  5. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah omg kskskansgsjKam kawjns

    I love to have their faces swollen after thinking Qing Jian Peak won’t survive without Chi Xia Peak’s pills lmao

    Thaaaaank yooouuu fooooor theeee chaaaapteeeerr!!!