Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 80.1


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  1. Humans:The little mermaid back-up is that dragon!!!???

    The Dragon who had a Little Brain: Yes! Yes! I’m his Daddy

    Little Shi: Daddy!!!!

  2. “Every dragon in his inherited memories had their own pearl, and they all kept a tight grasp on it in their claws or held it in their mouths when they slept.”

    Is this a rip off from Dragon Ball? 😂😂

      • LMAO “Dragon Balls”. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

        By the way, is Chinese Dragons have dick?

        🤔 ML is not a chinese dragon like in the anime Dragon Balls… right?

        Or… is he?

        • I feel like since they’re reptiles, they’d keep a pair of hemipenes in a cloaca/vent and evert them when necessary… I know too much about herpetology to suspend disbelief enough to enjoy dragon/naga/snake smut fics, lmfao

  3. If the Pearl smells like him then maybe It’s a part of him. Some magic Pearl?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. I imagine this as Zhongli as a young dragon and Tartaglia as the young siren lmao. Thank you for the chapter~