Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 80.2


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  1. ZN:Daddy??

    You’re supposed to be a sea creature!

    Is crying all you know how to do when you’re bullied!?!

    And calling your dad, are you still in kindergarten?!

    SQ: Daddy!!!!insert crying emoticon.jpg

    BIG DADDY DRAGON: How dare you touch my Babyinsert roaring sound

    Thank you for the chapter<3

  2. Buahahahahahhaha I cant- Shi Qing-🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Anyways Daddy Dragon is gonna beat up these pirates who bullied his baby😤 cant wait!!

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡

  3. Pirates: Let’s make fish stew!

    Shi Qing: Yingyingying…daddy beat them up!


  4. Hahaha using the innocence act and pumping it up to the max to his advantage. perfect choice XD

    can’t wait for the dragon to get his humanoid body. i wonder if the mermaid can have one toothanks for the chapter!

  5. we are back to the first arc where SQ is an über powerful being pretending to be a pitiful baby 😂 my favourite trope, he’s such a b*tch.

    thanks for the chapter!

  6. Turns out ML thinking MC was born from his pearl wasn’t so far fetched after all lol

  7. Me trying to figure out the logistics of a roar loud enough to tear rope but not loud enough to burst eardrums or blow them away: ….m-magic??

  8. Thx for the chapter ^^ ✨✨

    Who dares to make dragon daddy’s baby cry?

    Shi Qing: you can insult me and held me hostage, but you can never take my shine thing away! Or else… I’ll cry

    Super Golden Dragon Dad: knife

  9. Now, sailors, pirates, we came to the question. The mermaid’s daddy is a dragon, so who’s his mom? Is she a mermaid, or also a dragon? If she is a dragon too, then how come they have a mermaid son? If she is a mermaid, then how the heavenly pillar breach her chamber of secrets to conceived the mermaid son? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  10. The way he said all you know how to do is cry ‘daddy’ got me 😂

    Thanks for the chapter!

  11. This is my favorite arc from all QT novels! ฅ(๑๑)ฅ!! I have read more than dozen of QT novel best this is arc is the funniest and most unique! I freaking love it ♪ ♬ ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ ♬ ♪

  12. Ahahahaha🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Too…… 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    I don’t know what to say


    Thx for the chappy


  13. Lololol every time and every world, SQ cracks me up. I wonder when the behemoth dragon will be able to transform. I thought the pearl may do that but I didn’t realize that it actually holds (?) the body.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  14. Daddy dragon gonna become even more protective!! Beat em up

  15. Next time on Daddy Dragon and Baby Siren’s Ocean Adventures: Daddy Dragon mutilates cannibal pirates in order to save his little cinnamon bun. No survivors ʕ •́؈•̀ ₎


  17. Hehehehe. The protagonist has been succesfully fooled!

    Ohhh, so there is really a second body for the dragon! I Wonder how is he going to change to it.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  18. Just when I thought it’ll be size difference kink…… author is genius!!! what a way to explain dragon’s pearl AND give ML human body to do AHEM AHEM

    Thankfully Shi Qing went to get it back, imagine if it’s just lost forever

    no happy time ever

    sigh~~ this silly dragon!

  19. I knew that pearl is not any normal pearl! Especially when SQ says it smell like him! 🤣 Very good author. Such a good plan to have a backup body for SQ to enjoy 😋 😏