Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 81


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  1. Lol ML is doting is always so extra🤣🤣 He has different ways of spoiling his baby tho👀😳

    And System is so corrupt, Shi Qing is a bad influence on innocent systems

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡

  2. Oh, não. Sistema, não! Alguém devolve a mente pura do Sistema! O coitadinho! ;^;

    E, o buraco na cabeça do ML só cresce~! > v <

    Thanks for the chapter~!

  3. Wait Im confused! Why is there a mosaic??? If papapa can’t be done then what the heck are they doing?????

    Thank you for the chapter

  4. Haha! it’s great that both want mutual f***, but how?!

    • Remember the dragon pearl? In the last chapter it was mentioned that there is a human body in there, the dragon ML can transform, and then he won’t dwarf Shi Qing during the papapa.

  5. Hahaha he thought the singing was so bad that it killed the pirates. i cannot. hahahahahahhaahaaa omg. I feel the the hole in ML’s head in each arc gets bigger and bigger and then it’s fill with ridiculous excuses he makes to justify MC’s actions XD. going directly from kiss kiss to f*cking

    Good thing Zeng Nan is also justifying MC’s actions in ways that lower her animosity value.

    And wait…is the mosaic ML’s dck 😂?? and it wasn’t as big as it should have been and is smaller than a building. so either it’s a flaccid dck or maybe a second d*ck? lol so many possibilities. What is it? 🤔

  6. Facepalming while chuckling happily and also hiding face behind palm shyly.

    This chapter…was just too emotional.

  7. This is why I don’t read this when my mom is around. I can’t stop gasping and laughing ≧∇≦

    thank you for the chapter!

  8. The dragon is already imagining their Child’s wedding?! Hahahaha

    Wait wait… Did he admit he wanted to play around and he changed Bodies or What? Why the system saw some big d*ck?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  9. HAHAHAHA the hole in this dragon’s head omg, a kiss on the finger = he wants to f*ck!!!

    so much for daddy-baby… although maybe that’s their kink 😉 considering childcare isn’t in his culture anyway

    curious what this mosaic means lmao could it be dragon figured out the second body and the first thing he does is f*ck????? or shi qing’s self-pleasuring seduction, hmm….

    what type of garbage is my mind filled with omg

  10. My mind hole pictured a mermaid bouncing around on a building sized d*ck 🤦🏽 These mosaics lol 😆

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  11. mass murder of humans and animals

    kidnapping of innocent kids

    sugar (water?) daddy kink???

    size/height difference?????


    thank you for the chapter XDD

  12. Sometimes this novel gives off crackish vibes and makes me think the author must have been high when she wrote the cnovel. Lol

    Because it’s so freaking funny!! Rofl

  13. “After successfully churning the surrounding seawater, the golden dragon shyly admitted to himself that he wanted to f**k too.“ eh? EH?!? “Would it see a dead fish the next time it came out??” yes. you would. our baby systems been corrupted!!! ∑(゚Д゚)

  14. “I could pretend nothing happened if I destroyed all the evidence.jpg”ML has the mind of a criminal. XDD

    How are they even gonna fuck tho? Wait, do sirens even have an ass? My google search history is becoming more questionable by day.

  15. So, ML has already imagine their life including their child also. I want to ask… ML is Shi Qing’s daddy, and now Shi Qing fucks his daddy, then if Shi Qing has a child, what should the child call ML? Daddy or granddaddy? 😂😂😂