Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 82


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  1. Well, that was expected. At least i did expect it, but even so, this novel doesn’t fail to entertain my day!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Shi Qing’s system: I’ve been attacked by mosaic for 10 days straight and I don’t think I could make it if this continue, what should I do?!

    Chen Liguo’s system: Just 10 days? Your host is so nice. But, we’re not talking about that. Here my Buddisht scriptures, they could distract your mind from those filthy things.

    Jia Hyson’s system: Just 10 days? Do you want to exchange host with me? Or I could go to your place now to change task with you, because your task seems like a holiday for me. My host could doing that for a month straight with all people in the palace, men and women. I’m a bit tired with my slag host recently.

  3. The thousands of years old dragon finally lost his virginity!!! Hurray for him! XD

    Shi Qing finally found someone who can match his pace.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Long, silky black hair + slim + nice, fair skin + big eyes + thicc

    my mind: Oh! Like Illumi ZoldyckSturdy build + blond, curly, shoulder length hair + western features + high nose + literally everythingmy mind: Yeah, like Illumi’s dad, Silva Zol- Fuck! What the FUCK is this?!

    I smell a very bad conspiracy.

    • Long, silky black hair + slim + nice, fair skin + big eyes + thicc

      my mind: Oh! Like Illumi ZoldyckSturdy build + blond, curly, shoulder length hair + western features + high nose + literally everythingmy mind: Yeah, like Illumi’s dad, Silva Zol- Fuck! What the FUCK is this?!

      I smell a very bad conspiracy theory.

      Retyped it.

    • Long, silky black hair + slim + nice, fair skin + big eyes + thicc

      my mind: Oh! Like Illumi Zoldyck

      Sturdy build + blond, curly, shoulder length hair + western features + high nose + literally everything

      my mind: Yeah, like Illumi’s dad, Silva Zol- Fuck! What the FUCK is this?!

      I can’t

  5. The moment I read Sirens fall in love first, I felt my heart thud and I cried. Blame it on the hormones, blame it on the hormones! T~T

  6. hahahaha the system should have its own special chapter where he struggle to deal with the mosaics hakhak

  7. I need to know how, is there an opening or something that is covered by scales and he just move them in order to dance in the wind 😭😭

  8. “His nose twitched slightly as he sensed something mixed in with the surrounding seawater.“ what did you sense? hmm don’t be shy, what did you sense. anyways, i like the girl.

    \( ‘ω’)/

  9. System. You are so cute and healing compare to other systems! (Currently dueling reading CTS / Class Teacher System rn and it is so unhelpful and useless).

  10. “She gave the blonde human a thumbs up, exclaiming with admiration: ‘You’re a real badass!'”

    I like this protagonist a lot. WwwWWw

  11. Zeng Nan I LOVE YOU!!!!

    I actually want to know her story tho. She sounds really interesting. A ship captain dressed up as a man while trying to survive the apocalypse would be an interesting read.