Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 79


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  1. Buahahah he’s too funny!!! What a lovesick fool🤣🤣🤣 How cute and sweet!

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡

  2. A moment of silence for the pearl

    All the lore I heard about dragons was tossed out with the pearl XD. I was wondering how shi qing was going to convince the dragon to ahem you know… later, with the father son play.

  3. What dragon pearl?

    Do you see any dragon pearls around here?

    Nope. Never seen it, never heard of it.

    Me: so the thing I just saw right now is a f*cking rock!? -_-#

  4. you can’t wake up someone that’s pretending to sleep XD

    would be very cute to see little merman SQ communicate with the protagonist by hand signals or writing with a little stick…

    is ML… touch-starved? (more like social interaction starved but that’s too long)

    *lights a candle for the background of the dragon’s extinction

    thank you for the chapter!

  5. Hahaha 🤣😺😺🤣🤣ROTFL SQ officially made ml into a retard🤣🤣🤣 there’s no way to cure the vortex called the ML’s brain anymore 😂😂😂since it officially went offline 😹😹😹

    Thanks for the update 😊

  6. Ahahahaha omg the last part was so hilarious!

    ML’s brain hole is so big.

    Thanks for the chapter

  7. 😆 Oh My Gosh!

    ML is so adorable!

    🐉: “Pearl? What pearl? I don’t see any pearl! 👀 🙄 🙈“

  8. I shouldn’t die of laughter. But the novel is just a blast! What a ride! ROFL

  9. “Do you see any dragon pearls around here?

    Nope. Never seen it, never heard of it.” …little dragon? what was the point of that. WHAT WAS THE POINT?!?

  10. Every chapter I’m more and more amazed and amused at the ML ability to fool himself like that.😂

  11. Tbh i don’t blame the dragon, who would want pearl if he could have a companion in exchange of it after leaving alone for so long. He’s bound to be in a denial and he knows he’s in a denial so he threw away the cause of denial. Hahahahaha

  12. Awww he won’t take no for an answer lmfao 😭 OVERBEARING RICH CEO DRAGON DADDY THE BEST!!! 💗💗💗

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💗