Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 78.2


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  1. this is way too wholesome for me to remember that sq was drooling after his skyscraper dick earlier 😭😭😭

    thanks for the chapter

  2. ML is always woefully deceived. It’s often a lot his own doing as well haha.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  3. The Golden dragon is really doting on Shi Qing… And the little mermaid is enjoying it too much hehehe

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. I was laughing and snorting while reading this ≧ω≦ but I pity those sharks and orcas.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  5. If the images in his mind were put to words, it would probably be best described as a cute little chubby baby waddling around with a net in hand, chasing after butterflies in a meadow.

    The way my stomach hurts is clearly not funny

  6. 50/100 animosity is at the point of being strangers, right? Maybe Shi Qing’s plan with Zeng Nan is to let her thoroughly experience this terror to the point of completely forgetting about him.

  7. I wonder if the ml will ever find out that sirens are on top of the food chain, or that mc is not his pearl. And how will they fall in love/make the ml change from a father to a lover. But based on the previous arcs, i’m guessing he won’t ever find out and turn into a lover somehow because of the mc’s plans.

  8. Please, send help this arc is killing me. It’s just cute and funny at the same time and my emotions are conflicting

  9. I love how the ML always have the ways to fill in massive loopholes with the most unreasonable logic he’d come up with 😂