Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 69.1


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  1. Hahahaha SQ ya played that poor man!!

    Oof how did he think of this scenario?


    Oh my belly got abs!!!

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  2. Muahahah what a vixen!! A big tease! Poor QYS running around Shi Qing’s palm🤣🤣🤣

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡♡

  3. BAHAHAHAAA I DIDN’T EXPECT THAT. I thought it was going to be a kiss. I should have taken the hint when SQ told him to just take off the jacket. ROFL

  4. Up until in the middle I also think like QYS but knowing Shi Qing, nah no🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 poor QYS he’s ready but ahahahahahah

  5. Poor guy.. like a mouse led in a maze with cheese! Thank yiu for the chapter🙂

  6. Qin Yunsheng, you pervert! Shi Qing was obviously talking about wearing each other’s clothes! 🤣 Poor man, he got excited.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  7. …so you two won’t sleep together in this chapter, huh?

    Fine, I’ll just sleep because you two won’t do that in this chapter!!!!

  8. Shi Qing, you might regret teasing Yunsheng when the two of you rolled on the sheets 😆

    Thank you for the update!

  9. QYS is so painfully adorable. I don’t see how SQ is holding back from jumping him considering his past record.

  10. I just realized that its always by QYS actions that causes other people to misunderstand 🤣🤣

    Thanks for the chapter