Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 69.2


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  1. Bwahaha does your face burn!?!??😤🤣🤣🤣🤣 My Shi Qing is best!! QYS better hold on tight, I bet the Marquis will send homewreckers after he learns of SQ’s greatness!

    Thanks for the chapter ~♡♡♡♡

  2. Of course Shi Qing is making contributions to the country! Qin Yunsheng is not delusional! 😆

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Shi Qing really doesn’t need to lift a finger, Qin yunsheng do fill up all the void on his own, if Shi Qing want to, he’ll wreck his life

  4. Thank you for the chapter! 🌸🌸🌸

    I’m so envious of Shi Qing 🥺🥺🥺. How I wish I also have Qin Yunsheng in my life

  5. As much as I love Shi Qing before, I find his personality in this arc very hateful. It’s not cute like his other identities. It’s obnoxious. The ML in this life is blind AF. I have to agree with the friend who was persuading the ML. This isn’t a romantic relationship. This is a blatant master-slave relationship. You can spoiled your lover, it’s nothing wrong, but this is beyond spoiling. This is like babysitting a toddler. No matter what, Shi Qing is an adult, but he’s not even capable to wiping water from his own face after brushing his own face or cloth himself or feed himself? Even a person with crippling depression can still feed themselves. I just feel like in every arc, although the MC put in effort to seduce the ML using various schemes, he hadn’t actually put much effort with showing love. It’s ML 100% spoiling the MC. It’s boring at this point.