Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 65


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  1. QYS is gonna be making alot of mistakes now😳 That punishment is definitely something he’s gonna be begging for🤣🤣🤣

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡

  2. SQ be digging that hole doe


    We know where that hole is leading to

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Thank you for the chapter♡♡♡

  3. “Qin Yunsheng, you’d better hurry up and give me an apology, otherwise I will never let you go!”

    ML better not apologize then lol

    • Thank you!!! I thought I was the only one thinking this, dear God the second hand imperessment is killing and having me scroll past quickly only to go back and read it when I calmed down

  4. I was happy when QYS bully Shi Qing but I knew he wouldn’t take it for long and now he found the way 😁

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  5. When I was in 3rd grade, we had a teacher whose name we would make fun of. Once, she called me to the front of the class and tried to kiss me on the cheek while I screamed and escaped. “If anyone else tries to make fun of my name, I’ll kiss them in front of everyone! Hmph!!”

  6. Shin Qing: “Pleasant my ass!!!”

    Qin Yunsheng: Yes…your ass is pleasant

    Thank you for the chapter! (。’▽’。)♡

  7. Is no one else worried how they’ll papapa? SQ has quite the appetite but one round will be difficult, much less the seven he usually requires as a minimum.