Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 66


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  1. His number one characteristic is his shamelessness!!!😤 I love him so much🤣🤣 And deeper than the Mariana Trench? My, my, how cute lol. I wonder if he’s gonna clear it up or not.

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡

  2. congratulations Qin Yunsheng. You have level up from boyfriend to fiance😂😂😂 I will wqit for wedding invitation◝(・ω・)◟

  3. Welcome Casey!! thanks for your hard work!!

    Well, Shi Qing really clarified… They are boyfriends!! Hehe

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. lol shi qing’s shamelessness really got me laughing 😂

    also, welcome casey!! ~( ● w ● )~

  5. “Our love is deeper than the Mariana Trench!” LMAOOO. SQ is hilarious.

    Thank you for the update! Also welcome Casey :]

  6. Thanks for the chapter muah 💋

    And welcome to the team Casey 💕

    Ps. Its my first time seeing someone have the same name as me. It felt as if I was the one being welcomed, so awkward xD

  7. OMG! Our poor ML got duped again!!!

    Congradulations for player Shi Qing! You unlocked the attribute- extreme Shamlessness!

  8. Shi Qing upgraded his shamelessness and, his and Qinsheng’s relationship too much. Poor upgrade button. 🥺😆

    Thank you for the update!

  9. Well, Shi Qing is not lying though. He’s really clarify that both of them are not boyfriends. Fiancee is not boyfriend. 😂😂😂

  10. The second he said engaged I just fracking yeeted myself down here I love him so much but he is just too god damn shameless for me xDDD