Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 63.2


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  1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE SHI QING!!! I LOVE THIS SPOILED BRATTY CUTIE!!!!!🥰😍💕🥰💕😍 I own two pamper him, even if he’s acting it’s still so cute!!!!!!!(ML!?!? What are you doing-Ahhh!)

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡

  2. Haha SQ is so funny! He wanted the cousin to eat the papers hahaha.😂

    Thanks for the chapter

  3. Is Shi Qing like a baby mouse this time? A little squish is gonna make him squeak?

    His reputation has been saved. Now how is he going to handle this cousin of his?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Wow, I’m honestly trying to figure out whether ML is genuine too strong (literally 1/12,000,000 – so many zeroes!!) , MC was originally this fragile, or Shi Qing did something and made his body really weak. Or even a combination-either way, thanks for the chapter!!

  5. ahhh im so relieved, i was worried he was gonna use cute little tan mingyi as a scapegoat. thank you for the chapter! shi qing really is undefeatable

  6. lol. This guy. I do like that the little genius didn’t become cannon fodder.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  7. Hahahaaa. That little villain. Thank you for the translation

  8. Is this going the “nobles with hemophilia” route? I love the way Shi Qing does his setups, really looking forward to this arc!!

    Thanks for translating! <3

  9. I’m laughing so hard 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  10. OMG i love shi qing so much! he is so cute~ especially this world’s persona~ ヾ( 〃∇〃)ツ キャーーーッ♡

    sigh i told myself that i should stop reading to stockpile some chapters, but i can’t seem to keep away from this story~ oh well~ ahaha~ 😅

    Anyway, thanks for the chapter! Σd(ゝ∀・)♪

  11. If I were there, I’d be the one at the side shouting “Eat! Eat! Eat!” While recording it with my phone 🤣

    Thank you for the chapter!

  12. I’m late to the party, but classmates, what did we learn today?

    A.) ML seems fascinated about causing MC bruises. Hmmm. Kinky.

    B.) MC is the adorable vengeful conniving brat that we all love.

    C.) Someone is gonna eat those itty bitty papers and will choke on it!!!

    D.) This chapter is so full of S&M, somehow. 🤔 Or,

    E.) …is my mind too dirty?


    Thanks for the chapter!

  13. If he fakes such a condition, Qin Yunsheng is not going to dare touch him in bed, I think it’ll backfire badly!

  14. I love our MC soooo much he is so badass and such a genius……I was worried he would actually frame the original genius researcher (who was innocent) to whitewash himself but I am so glad he found an alternate solution. Also yessss make her eat that paper

  15. Hahaha so delicate till ML need to 1/12000000 to handle Shi Qing.😂🤣 Never disappointment how SQ turn the table on you! Thank you

  16. GO EAT IT GIRL YOU SAID IT YOURSELF BAH! Too much stimulation oh my gosh I’m so excited and giddy with all the drama 💗💗

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💗

  17. Seriously, what is Shi Qing’s job in his Original World?! I’m curious what he did for a living, especially after reading the previous arc.

  18. Oh boy I don’t think hemophilia is sufficient for turning into this much of a human peach I wonder what other conditions he has, but also yaaaaaay he didn’t throw the little baby under the bus, we knew the story title wasn’t lies❤❤

  19. lol! 🤣 So that’s what it’s about! 🤣🤣🤣

    So this time who does TM & SY resemble like in the previous arc? 😏

  20. In the previous arc he doesn’t feel pain. Then in this arc, his body is so sensitive that even a small pressure/force causes his skin to be bruised? If so, then how will he survive the onslaught of physical contacts?? 😱