Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 63.1


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  1. Oooh!!! So interesting! I quite like the setting for this arc! I would love to actually read book like that, I wonder if there’s anything like it? Anyways I also want to see how handsome these uniforms are like? I’m imagining the something like Owari no Seraph type…I really wanna see the real thing tho!

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡

  2. Ooooooooooooooo hows he gonna bring this boy down.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  3. I love when Shi Qing turns the tables on the others. Let’s see how he handles this cousin.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. I’m gonna take a wild guess and say this arc…Shi Qing will make our ML dress up! 🤩🤩🤩🤩

    Thank you for the chapter!

  5. Ahh another adventure with Shi Qing trying not to jumped ML the first chance he got 🤣🤣

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  6. Omg Shi Qing is so funny.

    I bet he thinks QYS’s body is good and would like to poke lower 😂

    Thanks for the chapter

  7. I’m really looking forward to this arc! Thanks for translating <3

  8. Shi Qing is really thoughtful, he’s always trying to make his and ML’s sex life better

  9. 1st World

    Shi Qing: Oohhh what a bouncy chest

    ML: What, what, stay away!!!

    2nd world

    Shi Qing: Hmm.. What a tease!

    ML: Touch me all you want, baby!

    3rd World

    Shi Qing: Ohh… Good body!

    ML: Refrain! Refrain! Kitten shouldn’t be hurt!!!

    4th world

    Shi Qing: Has a good body under the clothes.

    ML: You can touch me all you want but stay with me all your life. And finish the homework!

    5th world:

    Shi Qing: You know Martial Arts, must have a good body.

    ML: ???

    To be comtinued….

  10. LMAO I searched up “Chinese military uniform” thinking that they would look cool, but I was disappointed because they look like any other countries 😭. I guess my imagination ran too wild.

  11. “China a rare country where all the uniforms look great.”

    Me: …Except school uniforms. They have the astonishing ability to turn handsome youths into squids.

  12. I regret not getting into this novel sooner, I like the:

    ~ different ways the novel turn awry after becoming real

    ~ creative ways Shi Qing whitewash himself

    ~ unique settings (LIKE a QT with CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHYYYYYY THAT ALMOST NEVER HAPPEN, or modern cultivation or alien shou) it’s so refreshing! Each arc there’s something new! it doesn’t feel like we’re just going through the same thing over and over even tho it is essentially the same!

    ~ various ways Shi Qing reads ML and pulls him into a lifelong relationship

    ~ the care and thought that went into planning the story and character

    • Shi Qing’s transmigrating routine:

      speed through transition and jump to next world head first!
      read over the data in few seconds while maintaining absolute high ground
      start whitewashing in front of ML, but only to ML, everyone else can think whatever they want
      poke poke poke the juicy bod, while profiling ML
      tease tease tease the cute face, launch the whitewashing operation!
      feed feed feed, proclaim eternal love
      kiss kiss kiss
      lean lean lean, finalise whitewashing
      reenactment of Zhao Zilong’s heroism

      grow old and die together

  13. Ohoho, uniform play🤩 mmm poke poke , yup great chest muscles.😆ShiQing must eat tofu every time sees ML.

  14. “China, a rare country where all the uniforms look great”

    He has fallen too deep into the kink hole 😔💗

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💗

  15. Both MC & ML always always good looking!

    And yeah… just like in the previous arc, good looking men always together. And the rest of us just drinking vinegar all day long or munching on dog food! Just take a pick! 😝