Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 64.1


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  1. This time the ML is not that timid, huh? I like him. He’s willing to speak up for Shi Qing so fast.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Wow this ML even knew how to play the game? Not bad not bad 😏

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  3. Just wondering… do you guys use disinfectant to treat internal wounds??? Aren’t disinfectants for external wounds??? Shouldn’t he like go to the hospital for dislocated/broken arms??? And how the hell did no one notice the repeatedly mentioned “unnaturally angled” arms, are they all blind?!?!?

    • I don’t think it’s as bad as dislocating his arm, he probably just don’t want to put pressure in the wound. I agree though, disinfectant is probably unnecessary for a bruise unless the bruise cuts the skin, and taping it might help. Applying salve might be better though😅

  4. Hmmm….i just realised Mc’s characteristics in all world is same. Spoiled kid, tsundere…..As much as i enjoy the stories, I started to feel little bit bored. Well, i think i might continue this stories later after this chapter. Long break is really helpful to get the stories become interesting again for me.

  5. Even now I’m still confused who’s shou and who’s gong or are they switch helpp mehhhh( ≧Д≦)