Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 170


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Translator's Note

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  1. Xiao Qing, fighting ah.. Your love wouldn’t hate you for much longer. It’s heartbreaking to say goodbye to you but I’m happy that you don’t need to suffer your love’s hate in different worlds again. ಥ‿ಥ You deserve all pampering my baby ♥️

    Thanks for the chapter

  2. “You’re a big pig trotter. A heartless one at that. You dislike me every time, every time!” “I’m sick of it.”

    “Don’t be like this next time.”

    MY HEAAAART 😭 That ML better be madly in love from the get-go next world or I’m gonna beat him up!!! Poor Shi Qing, he’s been doing this so long.

  3. Yo..I always thought Shi QIng was fine with it with the way he acted but chapter was really an eye opener. sighh

    Thanks for thechapter!

  4. Aiyaahhh. Feel soooo sad. Only ehen he really drunk he can complain wholeheartedly without hiding his emotions.

    Thanks for the chapter translator samaa.

  5. Shi Qing has it hard too. The person he loves from the bottom of his heart hates him and even wants to kill him at some point, every time. It’s okay Shi Qing, FIGHTING!! We’ll help you beat up ML verbally if he still dislikes you next world… QwQ

  6. Nice to see the slightly more vulnerable side of him.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  7. That was unexpectedly heart-rending. So beneath the frivolity is actually this kind of mc…

  8. really shows how much of a toll tranmigrating can take on the MCs, especially romance focused ones ah

  9. If i were Shi Qing i would be bawling my eyes out every world bc my love hated me. Shi Qing youre a badass. We love you

  10. Aiyah ,poor baby, it’s truly sad that almost every arc the ml hate him very much. If not that he a good schemer, and with gold finger,he will be very miserable. Ehh Tong tong offline? Thank you for the chapter

  11. :’3 He always acts so leisurely but inevitably his feelings will show through,,, 我心疼啊 ㅠ

  12. So, he did fell. I kinda had doubts before but this cleared up everything. Everything will be fine soon Shi Qing!! It won’t happen again. You two will be happy forever!!

  13. bro this kinda made me cry a little bit, i really have a hate and love feelings toward shi qing lolol

  14. Shi Qing I remembered the emotional regulation response I knew you were pushing yourself too hard my baby aaaaaa come on you’re almost done you gotta go finish your game right? ML will halp surely

  15. It’s coming to an end… I can sense it. And the system, TongTong conveniently out of reach at that time…. which is the climax after all.

    But it’s true.

    Every single time, the person he love in all the arc always hate him and have sky-high animosity level towards him. And SQ try so hard and so much by lying and cunningly tricked his loved one in all the arcs.

    We can see how much he love the ML until the end of their lives and always die together. Which is really beautiful and pure love from both persons. ❤️