Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 171


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Translator's Note

A mushroom apparently?


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  1. Finally, a world where the ML falls in love with Shi Qing right away! He was so nice here, niceness must be his defining trait in this world. This chapter was so sweet, Shi Qing feeling vulnerable made my heart ache. My only regret is it didn’t last longer. Thank you for the translation!

  2. Can’t believe that this book is ending..been here since the chapter number was in 2 digits lmao

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  3. Ahh I love it when Shou is completely roaring to go but Gong thinks he’s the worst human being for taking advantage/losing control

    I don’t want it to end yet!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaa 😭

    They’re so cute, at first Gong will always be hostile, then some loving teasing and kissing he becomes a big puppy ~~~

    [ “I like you, so naturally I’m following you.” ]

  4. I want this to end but i don’t want this to end. Not only MC but ML is really different from other kind of MLs and it’s so refreshing to see them.

  5. It’ll never end if I never read the last arc!! >:3 hmmphh

    Sincerely thanking the translator for working so hard to translate this magnificent work of art!! 💟

  6. Ahh this was such a cute arc! I feel like somehow we haven’t really understand ShiQing himself beneath the whole white lotus acting. I’m glad we got to see a bit I’d his true self in this arc! Definitely my favorite one 😍

  7. One more arc left. I actually feel sad. I can’t let go of Shi Qing and his gong yet. I wanna read more about them!! I’ll kiss them so much, I’m sure. 🧡