Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 133.2


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Translator's Note

Paper was expensive back in the day but it burned cleaner. So porcelain produced this way was more exquisite and reserved only for the imperial family at some point

Translator's Note

凌迟 – damn son you really went there yjTh9


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  1. ML’s worst fear happened! You who is unlucky enough to be chosen by Shi Qing to be the sacrificed rival, take care! 😂

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  2. I can’t stop enjoying the devilish ways of Baby Shi Qing… Hehehe

    Thanks for the chapter 😘❤️❤️❤️

  3. I guess Shi King’s ‘Good Person’ title is in the bag now, huh?😂

    Li ghting a candle for the fierce looking new servant🕯️

  4. Ahh.. i feel that Shi Qing was forcing ML to raise his status from Slave to Lover by using vinegar. Poor new slave. I hope ML would spare him.

    Thanks for the chapter

  5. The fierce-looking slave: I’m just an invisible passerby here, so why are you looking for me? ( TTATT)

  6. You better watch out Shi Qing~ But then again, this is all probably pa rt of his master plan. Is the scary-looking guy also someone Shi Qing secretly arranged to come at the perfect moment? I wonder.. 🤔

  7. Fudge, I can’t wait for what’s going to happen next!!

    Thank you for the hard work and take care!!