Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 133.1


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Translator's Note

君子戒骄戒躁 – something Confucius said

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  1. “His eyes seemed to be overflowing with affection, but in truth there was only callous disregard there. ”

    Oh damn… I don’t wanna face reality no more orz…

  2. “Didn’t you learn those whatchamacallit mantras for systems to remain calm in any situation before?]

    Are these typos?

    Thanks for the Chapter!

  3. Shi Qing might be in a bit over his head bah. The canary cage will just turn into a collar with a bell.

  4. Shi Qing… I understand that you’re doing this to lower the animosity value, but I hope you don’t regret torturing your man like that, not when he’s gonna be the one torturing you in bed next time. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

  5. All this indifference and sentimental manipulation is so frightening… as if all feelings could be predicted and manipulated, so it’s just a laboratory result instead of being born naturally…. The MC holds the heart and mind of anyone he wants to target.