Escape the Infinite ChambersCh52 - Space


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Translator's Note

Kitty: This means his friends are shady or dubious in character.

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  1. For a second I thought the cousin may be Xing Yan but the names are different. Perhaps the cousin did go to the infinite chamber world though, or did something in exchange for MCs health?

  2. I feel like his cousin is that guy with Ah Lan rn.. that would be so great like his uncle would be so happy then TvT)/ and LJ got some pretty neat items huh.. that mirror functions like SCP-1499 which sends you in a separate dimension with it’s own space and time deym.. he can use it to hide to immediate dangers ;v;)/ LJ drools over XY’s body is such a mood hahahahahaha–

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  3. I feel like the guy in black that Lou Jian saw on the way was his cousin and the cousin is watching over his father.

  4. I’d be funny if that space is inside the secret chamber, he could let XY visit him whenever he wants >3

    Thx for the ch (≧▽≦)/

  5. So Luo Feng is the reason Luo Jian is healthy as hale now? The one with guitar case before is Luo Feng perhaps?? Why did he disappear? Because even with chambars, Luo Jian is prime example of working double life, he can manage both.. did Luo Feng perhaps got the rewards in advance before successfully clearing the chamber? Thus he had some price to pay? Really, too many mystery and too many characters now that are introduced with mysterious setup 😅.