Escape the Infinite ChambersCh53 - Specter


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  1. Noooo was that his cousin? Oh gahd i feel like his cousin’s wish had something to do with Lou Jian’s health.. that’s why he got healthy all of a sudden.. if it was then it’s so heartbreaking omg.. so.. we have like 4 denizens of the chambers.. the players, the stalkers, the specters and those stalkers who’ve returned to reality.. hmmm.. i really wanted to know about what the chambers are D: aaaaahh

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. Aww that’s so sad! I hope he can help his cousin somehow. Maybe by pulling him into his team like the other guy that had an abnormal role in the chambers but returned to being a player?

  3. So, that guitar guy seems to really be his cousin and it seems he sacrificed himself for LJ’s survival D:

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  4. It is a sad thing but u see i kinda get annoyed with the way author potray the mc way of thinking its ntg much it jz we knew the answer n with the way mc playing going around is annoying, anyway i like it not that i hate it but i jz want to rant it haha, thank you for the translation!

    • I agree. Author sounds abit inexperience in portraying the clues, situations and the answers without making MC sounds wishy washy. They made us reader found the “truth” while MC is still deciding is it the truth or not.. so MC comes off as indecisive and slowpoke. In actuality, a bit rearrangement in choice of words and event, the story will comes out with much better MC.

  5. I wonder what in the actual thing is the “chambers”. It appeared in front of Luo Feng which is 15 at that time and granted his wish.. why did it appear in front of Luo Jian to “kidnap” him into becoming player in the future? If I remember right, Luo Jian didn’t have deep wish, he just got pulled into it, like Ah Lan. Isn’t that sinister move by the chamber since it didn’t keep it promise with Luo Feng that way. He gave health but after gave it, it comes chasing him with death every 10 days.. poor Luo Feng! Luo Jian also slowly forgot this cousin that should have had deep connection with him as children! Arghhh 😢