Escape the Infinite ChambersCh51 - Family


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  1. I wonder if the uncle’s “watcher” is Luo Jian’s lost cousin 🤔. Thank you for translating! Can’t wait for the next chapter!!!

    • I wonder if Luo Jian’s lost cousin is also pulled into the chamber? Is he someone JianJian had meet? Is it possible to be Duan Li? But Duan Li surnamed Duan. Their village is quite weird and spooky honestly. Because Duan Li meet child Ah Lan, meaning Duan Li used to also live in the same village/neighbourhood. It seems key figure of this story hailed from the same place. The fact JianJian’s relatives from both father and mother side all died young either from “accident” or illnesses are creepy.

  2. Hmm, either that guitar guy is the lost cousin or their new (temporary?) teammember. Or he was just mentioned to confuse us lol

    Hmm, I think Ah Lan would be the shou somehow xD

    Thx for the ch (≧▽≦)/

  3. Hmmmm is it due to the chambers’? Aaaahhh i feel like XY is from this town lol.. and between Ah Land LJ.. hehe the gong would LJ for me hahahaha

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  4. Ah Lan would obviously be the gong bah. His other self would make things quite… interesting.

    • Sorry, I dont know why my comment became like that

      What I want suppose to say is…

      No matter Ah Lan in his “shadow” mode he is still a bottom towards his killer. He had been raped by and bottomed for him