Escape the Infinite ChambersCh50 - Punishment


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  1. Aaaaah will they be the second CP? Omg.. call me named but I ship them ever since.. I mean he was bound by the chamber so what can he do? I think Xing Yan would have the same fate as them.. aaaah and i feel like XY will be the strong partner in the next chamber… Uwaaaaaaaah so excited.. omg omg AH LAN IS ALIVE y’all hahahaha LJ would be happy to see him next chamber (a deadly chamber).. hnnnggghhh i really love this one huhu

    Thank you so so so much for the chapter!!!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. Dun Dun Dun! XY, come grab your man! Chaos Chamber Battlefield, here we come!!!

    Thank you for the chappie

  3. »… and it was a pity that he could move for the time being.« could not move

    Ah Lan is still alive and still with the little psycho. And when will LJ remember XY? I believe he’s the guy from his memory.

    Thx for the ch (≧▽≦)/

  4. thank you for the chapter! I admit I actually forgot about the existence of the controversial second CP…

    • Luo Jian still loves his family, and in an Asian mentality, he felt that he probably owed it to his parents for bringing him up. Plus he felt really guilty about being homosexual (nobody should feel guilty for their sexual orientation imo). Other than that, it’s still pretty normal for Asians to give money to their parents even if they’re no longer in contact with their parents or having a bad relationship with them. It’s a moral obligation-and if you don’t do it, it’s deemed inappropriate in society.

      Hope this answers your question ~ ☺

      • Thanks for replying and clarifying! As an overseas Asian, I guess I’m unfamiliar with that level of societal pressure, since most families who cut off their relationships with one another don’t bother to maintain contact. I appreciate your response though!

  5. Hm tbh i don’t like this second couple. Actually im just not into second couples and another thing is, i dislike it if the romance is built from non consensual stuffs

  6. I’m definitely not feeling the FYL/DL cp. FYL was raped and almost killed by DL plus he isn’t even gay to begin with so I’m not sure how this can turn into anything that makes sense.

    • Right?! I wish the author would acknowledge those point. The rape. And FYLs sexuality, he did mention he had a gf, even if he was flippant about it. Still, if he realizes that he’s Bi all along, I wished that it wouldn’t be thru sexual assault.

  7. Lo siento pero todavía no puedo perdonar ese incidente, lo más probable es que sea el segundo CP, estoy seguro de que Duan Li ganará mi corazón y mi perdón más tarde, pero por ahora solo puedo sufrir en silencio por Ah Lan.🙏

  8. I’m sorry but I still can’t forgive that incident, most likely it will be the second CP, I’m sure Duan Li will win my heart and forgiveness later but for now I can only suffer in silence for Ah Lan.🙏🕯

  9. I don’t like where the author is headed concerning this relationship. So Im shipping Ying and FYL even if they jad not or would never met.

    I like the wise and jaded veteran x tsundere sunshine more.

  10. Now there is so much questions: Who is the ‘oracle’? JianJian’s past.. did he become a player before when he is a child? Who is that person he can’t remember? ‘Xing Yan’? Why did the chamber seems it had known the players’ past because it made Duan Li meet Ah Lan, and Xing Yan with JianJian.. next, whose ‘soul’ is it that Xing Yan gave Ying to keepsafe? The ‘soul’ scattered and escaped meaning it escaped the chamber? So it is reborn? And who is Ying??? Why he knows so much about human interaction, much more than Xing Yan and seems he got his human memories (some)?? Hmm