Escape the Infinite ChambersCh184 - Valiant Battle (II)


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Translator's Note

Humu: me too lmao

Translator's Note

Humu: 😂😂😂😂

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  1. oh, i thought the author would go into more detail with how he selected his current team :0 but haha the biggest concern to LJ is whether he has spare clothes or not… shoulda brought that carry-on chamber

    thank u for the update!!!

  2. Haha so he’s actually internally screaming in this scene because he doesn’t have clothes and in the earlier chapters he seemed so mysterious and all ahahahahahahaha niiiceee

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻

    • It is funny because he truly didn’t see how the kiddy version of him appear in the Burials Ground Chamber because Ah Lan is the one that saw him first in his team 😂. To think he got swallowed just like that and panicking over clothes lol. I can’t wait to see what his internal monologue is when he saw Stalker Xing Yan finally and also that scene where he saw Xing Yan and past him making out 😂.

  3. My gosh the loop is so terrifying!!!!! Halleluah!!! I finally completely understood the plot of all this!!!!!😭🙌

    Thank you so much for the update!!!🤩

  4. 😂 I remember when I read this scene, there was so many goosebumps but now when I read it, it’s not so scary anymore 😂

  5. There I was thinking the flower birthed a human looking monster when I first read the encounter 😂😂

  6. Oh my god this is hilarious, the scenes previously were filled with tension but future!Luo Jian’s monologue is just 😆😆😆

  7. I thought what happened during the team battle is that the strategist from the enemy team (the woman that the vampire team captain trusted) asked Abyss (child LJ) to go to the tomb of the god and use hypnosis against him to know where the exit is. But reading it through Abyss’ pov is different from what happened ‘somehow’

    • I think this is the plan made outside of the chamber. Maybe Abyss had hypnotised the woman earlier that he will be tasked with finding the exit, thus the woman believed so. Because Luo Jian knows that Abyss was the one that found the exit first. Since LJ didn’t know the details, so Abyss had to act alone. Following the usual thinking pattern of LJ, Abyss made preparation and once inside (the last because he is the strongest), he just went towards Clown while the rest of the enemy teams just believed what the strategist told them (not to worry about the child, he will scout and find the exit aka god tombs first). When the truth is that he didn’t have time to scout around and the one that God meet before past Luo Jian’s team IS CLOWN. I remember past Luo Jian picked out the God saying “So you are another traveller” (something that sounded like this), and we all thought it is Abyss since he was inside the flower and we thought Clown was dead + the corpse controlled by Abyss. So here is the final truth, Clown is the main character of this chamber that had explored both the ghost tombs (before Abyss is transported into the chamber) and explored the god tombs (after Abyss instructed him to pick fight with god).