Escape the Infinite ChambersCh183 - Valiant Battle (I)


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Translator's Note

in his chest, he hugged the thirteen Confucian scriptures: LJ did it in a figurative way. That meant he was brimming with righteousness or proper conduct(?) as he preached to Clown.

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  1. Clown…did not change at all…that is one thing i like…he is still that cute clown…except for the hand fetish… but it makes him look foolish so not bad~

    Thanks for the chapter~

  2. Ahhhh!!! So it wasn’t LJ.. I recently read chapter 92 which I’m finding recently lol good thing someone replied the comment and the description isn’t LJ at all.. kyaaah I’m embarrassed lol.. but deym Hong is so cute aaaahhh.. but you can never rule out how good he is at acting.. lol tbh I never liked him at that chamber because he’s creepy but who knew that he’s just a cute and lovable young man with hand fetish lol.. and yaaasss this scene was in Abyss’s pov is something fresh and nice.. hmmm how will they converge the timelines i wonder.. by XY’s spatial powers? I’m wondering if Ying will go out with that part of XY in the Asura realm.. aaaahhhhhh so intense

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻

  3. lmao clown and his obsession with soft… paws

    to be a bystander to a family you once could interact with must be pretty hard… thank u for the update!

  4. Please i started to like clown so much over time 😭 I love how several years passed but he’s still the same as before, stupid but hella cute