Escape the Infinite ChambersCh136 - Crimson Asura Realm (V)


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Translator's Note

Remember the frog reference Luo Jian made a few chapters ago, this is in reference to that, or the idiom, the frog in the bottom of the well (井底之蛙). The literal meaning meant people with a narrow view, while the figurative meaning meant someone who had a narrow outlook on certain issues.

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  1. I kinda wonder what’s up with this wolf. Also, I completely agree, Ya’an is adorable, I love him.

    Thank you for translating!!!🥰💕❤💖💕

  2. i’m really curious to know how he’ll leave and what the wolf will do…. thanks for the update!!

  3. Awww Ya’an is such a good person~ it’s actually quite novel to have a person like him in this novel hahaha– most of the people we met so far either wanted to kill you or wanted to kill you later xD aiyaaa wolf-san is so persistent ..hmmm it really is the crimson asura realm where the stalkers are.. I kinda remember XY was talking to someone in one of the caves on the previous chapters hmmm.. maybe they can communicate but not with words?

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

    • Maybe Duan Li lol. Maybe he had another life saving prop again that found opportunity to leave that chamber when LJ opened the space. That is why they both appeared near one another. Though I am only 50-50 about this guess. Xing Yan is still trapped right? Because when the chamber restarted, Xing Yan is in his “player” identity, only by dying he remembered and regained his “stalker” id.