Escape the Infinite ChambersCh120 - Escaping from Arcanum Train (XIII)


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  1. Lol it seemed like two-headed snake did a 180 of himself.. hmmmm I kinda feel that LJ is arguably crow.. kinda puzzled over Owl.. but the way Crow said that the snake is an idiot I kinda feel it’s Ah Lan but he’s also like a big brother so maybe Specter (hahahahaha)… kinda sure Owl isn’t human tho.. like Ah Lan’s shadow or Specter since he’s still within the grasp of the chamber as ghost/oracle and he bled a lot during the last chamber through the scalpel guy… Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh I’m dead hahahaha

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. Thank you for the translation!! 💕 gosh I feel like I embarrass myself each time I make these long-winded ‘analysis’ comments on this arc looool

    “He didn’t even keep up with appearances as his chest stopped moving.” Mmm yes poor Owl is confirmed sus! And by that I just mean his situation is strange. Since the hints are about him being not-alive, I wonder if I was right about Owl being Shadow instead of Ah Lan. But then again… I tried backreading old chapters when Duan Li stalked Ah Lan. Poor guy was on the brink of death and put into stasis by Shadow. Maybe his near-dead state is the state shown in this chamber—wait, does this chamber strip them of all props and memories, so what each of em show are their “true states”—

    adds more tinfoil hats on my head

    Aside from Owl, my guess for the others are still in line as before. With a new addition for Two-headed snake aka Spector! That line about being a big brother was too sus for me to ignore.

    Author, are you purposely dropping these hints so I’d guess as you predicted, and then finally adding a huge plot twist where everything is wrong 😂😂😂

    Wow this arc is truly fun 😀 even if I’m wrong, I always enjoy stories that trigger my curiosity!

  3. I think spectre is two heade snake because of their curses 🤣🤣🤣 “f*ck their mother” ahahah

  4. So I’m thinking: Crow – LJ, Owl – Ah lan, BlackCat – XJ, Wolf – DL, Snake – Specter.

    Ah Lan might be turning into a corpse cuz in the first cabin they were in they found a corpse which looks like him. That might mean that the corpse and ah lan is somehow related. I’m hoping what happened to the black cat wont happen to XJ

  5. I had a guess, kinda terrible one. Maybe Shadow Owl will truly become a corpse the further they went into the carriage.. because he is a shadow. He can’t be too far apart with the real Owl body. I felt a brewing trouble. But since the chamber won’t give dead end, maybe there will be a way to retrieve the corpse of Owl in carriage #13 later.