Escape the Infinite ChambersCh119 - Escaping from Arcanum Train (XII)


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Translator's Note

Kgjvf atflg mtlivgfc ab fja: (Ktlr lvlbw mjc wfjc ilafgjiis bg oluegjalnfis, lc atlr mjrf, ilafgjiis). Ktlr lvlbw kjr vfglnfv ogbw Qjgglcu Vajafr Ufglbv: Ieb Hlewlcu, Ieb Itejc (春秋左氏傳˙宣公十五年). Ktf oeii lvlbw lr: Pc atf mlas kf jgf agjvlcu beg mtlivgfc jcv fjalcu atfw, jcv rqilaalcu eq atflg ybcfr obg oefi. (敝邑易子而食,析骸以爨。) Jg: Qlxlvlmalbcjgs

This really happened in ancient China. Accounts of it are pretty common, and because females were deemed more useless to them, daughters were often exchanged before sons.

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  1. i really hope they don’t have to waste to much blood ;A; oof to owl tho, he really does stick out from the rest of the group

    thank you for the update!

  2. Thanks for the chapter! 💕

    Lmao as soon as he said “we all bleed together”, my immediate (dumb) thought was like lolol group menstruation omfg @v@;;;

  3. the way crow said “how about we bleed together!” is so casual as though he’s asking them to go on a trip together lololol