Escape the Infinite ChambersCh118 - Escaping from Arcanum Train (XI)


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Translator's Note

Storms brewing on rivers and seas: (turning his heart) into in a spectacular mess

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  1. A sudden conjecture popped in my mind.. I’m wondering if Owl is Ah Lan’s shadow.. or I’m just too sleepy.. hahaha but what about the corpse? Dissect it? UuuughThank you so much for the chapter!!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. So Crow = Luo Jian is confirmed. Luo Jian was taught by his mother on first aid but didn’t pursue medicine.

    Blackcat = can only be Xing yan… but what is he doing here?

    • Who? Xing Yan or Clown.. both didn’t die though 😆. He just stabbed one and sliced one. The first one LJ stabbed, stabbed him back and that one also finished the one LJ sliced. I don’t remember LJ killing anyone? That is why I think he is the murderer in this scenario, the chamber trying to make him believe he is one and corroded his inside so that he will finally be one.