Escape the Infinite ChambersCh117 - Escaping from Arcanum Train (X)


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  1. Lol I’m soooo confused but excited at the same time!!! I like the previous arc but I also like this arc hahahaha ❤️❤️❤️

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. My speculations on their identities is as follows;

    Crow: Luo JianOwl: Ah Lan

    Black Cat: Xing Yan (he’s also probably the muderer, and the stipulation that “murderers regain their memories differently” is probably cause of his identity as a Stalker)

    Wolf: Duan Li

    Two-Headed snake: Specter

  3. I think the murderer in this whole scenario definitely Luo Jian, much more after he think he is the most normal human in the train 😅. That usually set a flag. But I don’t think finding the murderer is really important until carriage 1, because truthfully I think the body left in carriage 13 will be important as he wore same garb as them and with same nametag. The thin like bamboo monster here.. shouldn’t be that “god” before right?