Escape the Infinite ChambersCh121 - Escaping from Arcanum Train (XIV)


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  1. omfggg NOO SPECTER!!!! I really hope two-headed snake means he lives twice or something bc if he dies I’m gonna be sad aaaah I need to know 😭😭

    thank you for the update!!!!

  2. ..hmmm the murderer told Wolf a secret.. Will it refer to Owl and him being dead or something? Hnnnggghhhh!!!!

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  3. I’m actually crying for Specter… I hope- I hope two headed snake isn’t specter damn! My heart is broken

    • No I don’t think Specter is actually dead, at least I hope he isn’t. I feel that being LJs cousin his death wouldn’t be this anticlimactic

  4. Are they all dead except for Crow?

    Owl is probably the reason as to why the monster went berserk, whatever he put in the bucket for blood is surely the cause.

    Owl is cleary dead and his condition reminds me of that of the Clown from the previous arc. So maybe that kid is controlling Owl who has been dead since the very start?

  5. So Two-headed snake is left behind.. since it is two headed and the monster went for the neck.. can we interfere as now he is a one-headed snake? 🤣🤣 Maybe they will find him again in the next carriage? Lol I don’t know why I cracked that dark joke.

  6. I love Specter and all, but Wolf said nothing wrong. If the rest of them had the strength, they should have worked together to save him. Like, Owl says all kind of stuff, but he never takes the initiative to help. He just argues 🙃 This is legit my least favorite arc because all of them annoy me except for Black Cat…