Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh101 - Rich Second Generation Yao


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Translator's Note

A Confucian text on filial piety.

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  1. Fu Li… are you really just realized that now? after Zhuang Qing constant fright about your Qiankun Pouch???? my dear little rabbit is so cute😂

    A small sika deer secretly kissed a tiny lion.

    almost like Lost Star; Yesterday I saw a lion kiss a deer :3

  2. ZQ admitting he’s in love with Fu Li and hoping Fu Li discovers what love is by falling in love with ZQ… ahhh!!

    thanks for the chapter <3

  3. I feel like everyone overlooked that Zhuang Qing admitted his feelings. And for quite some time already judging by how calmly he was thinking about it 🤔

  4. “Zhuang little dragon, I’m not a dragon but a mighty and majestic Hou, got it?!”

    Typo? I think it should be “I’m not a rabbit“?

    Aww, ZQ is so patient, waiting for Fu Li to finally get it…

    King Ganglie has reappeared! I’m strangely excited to meet all of Fu Li’s “parents” ☺️