Blooming RomanceChapter 79


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  1. It was his boss all along?!

    How is that okay? I don’t care if he’s his mentor, that is unacceptable. Of course it’s probably just that manager Tang 🙄

    I hope Lin Yanchen’s dad reacts well, thanks for the chapter ❤

  2. loool they both thought wrong this time.

    I hope papa Lin would acknowledge him and hear him out properly. Fighting LY ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ̀ˋ

  3. Uh Manager Tang, do you realize just who you’re provoking?

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  4. thank you for the chapter! lin dad is innocent, he wants the best for you, a sad depresso dad

  5. Who ever did that photo thingy will be slapped hard 😤

    Thank you for the update 🥰

  6. Poor father!! But really is it ok to violate someone’s privacy like that?? One can sue that person in our country if the investigator is not closely related or something like that. Is it really not illegal in China? Someone from company can have you stalked?

  7. I’m so glad that LYC’s Dad is finally going to find out! He will be happy to know he has a grandchild! He is so lonely. I think LYC is going to see his dad isn’t that bad.

    Thanks for the chapter!👾